We're a new baseball apparel brand with our own story.
You might say that BallShark™ is a little different. You see, we weren't conceived inside some stuffy corporate think tank. Instead, our founder has spent well over a decade serving at the very wellspring of baseball's future talent base. He has worked tirelessly and passionately with kids and young men, teaching them not only how to play the game, but to play it the right way.
Our company's commitment to the game and to young players is sincere. In fact, we believe so strongly in planting fruitful baseball seeds in the hearts of the game's newest representatives that we have gone the extra step in building our brand by developing our very own story.
The BallShark™ Select Baseball Series is where you'll find the cherished values of our national pastime faithfully preserved. Soon, we will launch BallShark™ Select Baseball Wear, fulfilling a promise to allow our fans to wear unique expressions of baseball's timeless truths. Why? Simply because we believe the treasured ideals of the greatest of games should be held dearly by rising young players, their families and baseball fans everywhere.
Forgive us if you think that's a corny mission statement.
We're actually quite serious about it.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for upcoming apparel line announcements as well as release dates for new novels in the BallShark™ Select Baseball Series.